Duel L-Bass Vibe 60S - MGGB

Specificatii: 6 cm/14,5 gr, sinking, tip rattling, culoare MGGB (Metallic Ghost Gold Black) (model F1216)

Adancimea de evolutie - variabila

Specii tinta: somn, stiuca, avat, salau, clean

43,00 lei
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2 Produse

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Despre Yo-Zuri/Duel:

"DUEL has been making quality lures, and fishing lines for over 40 years in Japan.
Our quality of products has stood the test of time and continues to be most sought after.
DUEL has two brands, "DUEL" and "YO-ZURI".
"YO-ZURI" has been well established among fishermen worldwide. On the other hand, "DUEL" has developed technologically advanced products that are constantly leading the industry and has become one of the top rated quality hard-baits in the country."DUEL" lures are crafted to be the most realistic looking and have the best actions.
DUEL continues to be committed to giving anglers the best fishing products and strives to be the first with new and better products".


Despre L-Bass Vibe:

"L-Bass Vibe este voblerul perfect pentru pescuitul rapitorilor. Sunetele puternice de unde si zgomotele atrag pestii in mod eficient, facand din acest vobler naluca suprema.

Vibratiile ample cu miscari unduitoare puternice si sunetul de zgomot atrag pestii pe o suprafata extinsa. Finisajul interior tip lentila de diamant difuzeaza stralucirea pe o arie mare, provocand muscaturi de reactie. Forma integrata a lentilei poliedrice reprezinta solzii de peste si reflecta lumina in mod difuz in timpul inotului, atragand rapitorii".