Yo-Zuri Rattl'n Vibe 5,5 - UPUT

Specificatii: 5,5 cm/10,5 gr, sinking, tip rattling, culoare UPUT (model R1159)

Adancimea de evolutie - variabila

Specii tinta: stiuca, avat, salau, clean, pastrav, biban

43,00 lei
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2 Produse

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Despre Yo-Zuri/Duel:

"DUEL has been making quality lures, and fishing lines for over 40 years in Japan.
Our quality of products has stood the test of time and continues to be most sought after.
DUEL has two brands, "DUEL" and "YO-ZURI".
"YO-ZURI" has been well established among fishermen worldwide. On the other hand, "DUEL" has developed technologically advanced products that are constantly leading the industry and has become one of the top rated quality hard-baits in the country."DUEL" lures are crafted to be the most realistic looking and have the best actions.
DUEL continues to be committed to giving anglers the best fishing products and strives to be the first with new and better products".


Despre Rattl'n Vibe:

"Este foarte bine echilibrat, plonjand mai rapid in apa, lestarea foarte bine calculata, provoaca oscilatii cand voblerul este lasat sa plonjeze. Datorita formei sale permite a fi pescuit, fara nici un stres, in jurul plantelor submerse, pietrelor sau obstacolelor, daca este mulinata continuu. Vibratiile si actiunea lui discreta, il face foarte eficient la pescuit, chiar si in timpul sezonului de iarna severa. Datorita greutati sale poate fi lansat la distante de peste 50m, fiind ideal in pescuitul pestilor mari si precauti".