Blue Fox Vibrax Hot Pepper Nr.3 (8 gr) - SYB (Silver/Yellow/Black)

Specificatii: 8 gr, culoare SYB (Silver/Yellow/Black)

Evolueaza pana la adancimea maxima de 1,3 m

Specii tinta: pastrav, clean, avat, biban

Se livreaza in punguta ziplock (10 x 14 cm)

Filmare cu Vibrax Hot Pepper in actiune, la pastrav

21,00 lei
Stoc propriu

4 Produse

Referinte specifice

"The popular Vibrax® Hot Pepper draws its characteristics from the famed Vibrax® Original, but with the added attraction of high contrasting, “hot pepper” blade finishes designed to trigger a reaction strike. The patented two-part body, which virtually eliminates line twist is really what sets all Blue Fox spinners apart. Whether casting for still water predators such as perch and chub, or working fast moving rivers for trout and salmon, this low-frequency spinner is going to create the noise and vibration required to trigger a strike".