Sebile Spincher 50 - Pinkescent

Specificatii: 5 cm/3,3 gr, sinking, culoare Pinkescent

Evolueaza pana la adancimea maxima de 1 metru

Specii tinta: pastrav, clean, biban, avat, salau

Filmare cu Spincher in actiune

27,00 lei
Stoc propriu

4 Produse

Referinte specifice

"The Spincher was born of the union of two of the most effective lures ever created: a billed minnow and a spinning blade. When many brands will put an in-line spinner first and a minnow shape behind, SEBILE came again with a strong innovation by making that baitfish tandem working in the most efficient manner. The billed minnow in front give the entire lure stability, thanks to its lip as well as its low center of gravity weight. This way, the entire lure is very stable, no matter if used in fast moving water or in lake, from slow to fast retrieves, and can even be twitched to enhance fish bites when needed.

Perfect lure for trout,perch,all ul fishing."