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Fir Textil YGK X-Braid Super Jigman X8 200m - 35Lb

Fir textil impletit din opt fire. Firul are o rezistenta mai mare cu 40% fata de firele spectra standard de acelasi diametru

Lungime rola - 200 metri

Culoare fir - multicolor: 5 culori (alb, verde, rosu, roz si albastru) care se schimba la fiecare 10 metri. Marcaj verde/roz din metru in metru

Diametru - 0,235mm (#2)

Rezistenta - 15,86 kg/35 lb

Fabricat in - Japonia

174,00 lei Economiseste 15,00 lei
189,00 lei
Stoc propriu

3 Produse

Referinte specifice

“YGK X-Braid Super Jigman X8 has tightly braided 8 strand body great for casting with spinning reels, as well as for deep sea fishing. It has about 40% more maximum strength compared to standard spectra braided lines in the same diameter. The super quality material is braided by 8 strands, offering the smooth surface. The YGK braiding technology reduces the slightest stretch from the braided line for the maximum sensitivity in deep sea fishing. This line use thick fibers to reduce cost by about 30%, and it still keeps the same strength to Ultra Jigman, upper grade line. 200m/220yds and 300m/330yds spools available. This line is colored by every 10meter (11yds). Pink/Green marking at every 1m (1yd), Made in Japan.