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- -20,00 lei

Fir textil impletit din opt fire. Firul are o rezistenta mai mare cu 40% fata de firele spectra/dyneema de prima generatie, continand fibre de ultima generatie: Ultra 2PE. Tehnologia de impletire "YGK WX Braiding" si procesul HST fac ca firul sa aiba cat mai putina elasticitate si o structura cat mai compacta
Lungime rola - 300 metri
Culoare fir - multicolor: 5 culori (albastru, portocaliu, verde, violet, roz) care se schimba la fiecare 10 metri. Marcaj galben/negru la fiecare metru, marcaj galben la fiecare metru
Diametru - 0,21 mm (#1,5)
Rezistenta - 13 kg
Fabricat in - Japonia
“All New YGK Ultra2 Max WX8 employs Ultra2, up-grade filaments to have about 40% improved strength from the first generation Dyneema/Spectra lines. Very thin silicone surface coating make this line friction-less to cast long. WX braiding technology and HST process makes the line with the least stretch and tightest line body. The 8-strand body offers the smoothest line surface. Quality is proven. Made in Japan.
Color: Multi color for every 10m, marking at every 1m.”