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YGK X-Braid Upgrade Pentagram X8 200m - 16Lb

Fir textil impletit din opt fire. Firul a re o rezistenta mai mare cu 40% fata de firele spectra standard de acelasi diametru, continand fibre de ultima generatie: Ultra 2PE. Tehnologia "YGK WX Braiding" face ca firul sa aiba cat mai putina elasticitate si o structura cat mai compacta

Lungime rola - 200 metri

Culoare fir - multicolor: 5 culori (alb, verde, rosu, roz si albastru) care se schimba la fiecare 10 metri. Marcaj verde/roz din 2 in 2 metri

Diametru - 0,153mm/16lb (#0,8)

Rezistenta - 7,3 kg

Fabricat in - Japonia

215,00 lei Economiseste 15,00 lei
230,00 lei
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2 Produse

Referinte specifice

“YGK X-Braid Upgrade X8 Pentagram has the most advanced material braided by the most advanced technology to offer great lines. And this Pentagram 5 color version has marking at every 2m, instead of at every 1m of Omnium.

It has smooth surface and the smallest line diameter. It employs the most advanced filament, Ultra 2 PE, to achieve about 40% more maximum strength compared to standard spectra braided lines. On its surface, it has relatively thick coatings to prevent tangle and to protect line from abrasion. YGK WX braiding technology makes the line with the least stretch and tightest line body. The 8-strand body offers the smoothest line surface. Quality is proven. 5 colors by every 10m and marking at every 2m. This line is more suitable for light game fishing with casting rigs where line depth counting is less important. Made in Japan”.